Journal of Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering (JICSE) has established in 2021 in the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering of Shahid Beheshti University to improve the synergy between researchers and innovators in this field. There is neither processing nor publication charge assumed. In addition, the journal is regularly uploaded to the website, and articles in press are uploaded on the site until the end of the year. 

Journal of Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering (JICSE) License Terms

The Journal of Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering (JICSE) is a nonprofit scientific and engineering venue managed by Shahid Beheshti University that provides engineers and scientists with high-quality articles. While the copyright holder is Shahid Beheshti University, under this Open Access journal, peer-reviewed accepted papers are immediately available online, with no charges for access and no restrictions on subsequent redistribution or use, as long as the authors(s) and source are cited, as specified by the Attribution Creative Commons BY License (